Sell Your Home Using

The Law Of Attraction

Are you or your house giving off negative vibes?

Negative, stagnant or stuck energy and emotions will repel your perfect buyer in the opposite direction!

Are you having trouble saying goodbye?

Subconsciously holding on may be pushing your perfect buyer away! 

Do you know your perfect home selling scenario?

Being wishy-washy will bring wishy-washy buyers and uncertain home selling results!

A figure of a person sitting in lotus position with the chakras highlighted

Under the Law of Attraction, everything that comes into your life and everything that you experience does so through the  power of your thoughts and energy.

A figure of a person sitting in lotus position with the chakras highlighted

What if...

Manifesting Your perfect buyer
was As Easy As

the number 1
re-Energizing your home
Clear your home of stuck energy and replace with love, Gratitude and Openness
the number 2
Reprogramming your emotions
Reprogram your emotions so that you are attracting (not repelling) your perfect buyer!
the number 3
Placing Your Order
Get Clear about your perfect home selling scenario and Place Your Order with the universe!

Let's Get Moving!

 There are so many things out of your control during the home selling journey! I get it, it’s frustrating!

Here are 4 things YOU can do RIGHT NOW to take back control and help sell your house faster!

Hi Home Sellers!

I’m Cindi and if I were a betting woman (which I am…), I would bet you are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed trying to sell your house. 

I understand! I sold houses for over 20 years and know how exhausting the process can be! 

In 2017, I decided to sell my own home that I had owned for 27+ years. I listed it with a trusted Realtor friend. To my surprise…

My home was on the market for several MONTHS! Sure, we had a few offers, but not anywhere close to what we were expecting!

I was so frustrated! We were both great Realtors, priced the house right, staged it beautifully, listed it in a strong market and had very positive feedback from potential buyers and other Realtors.

A colorful front yard flower garden area with white porch rails leading to the front door
Dining room with hardwood floors and built in china cabinet. Also a table and buffet

What Was Happening??

 I took my home off the market and ended up keeping it for another year. However, I could still feel with certainty that selling my home was the correct next step in my life. I decided to re-evaluate WHY it hadn’t sold…

…then it came to me

my thoughts and energy were preventing my home from selling!

I decided to focus less on the “actions” of home selling and more on my own thoughts and energy. I created a Home Selling Ritual to REALLY incorporate the Law of Attraction into the process. 

I put my home back on the market “by owner,” I increased the list price by $15K, I did not put it in the MLS, nor did I even mention any of this to my realtor friend. 

After I performed the Home Selling Ritual, my home sold in 7 days for list price to the perfect buyer!

A sunroom with a colorful round rug and a round glass table with chairs and a small chandelier

There were so many coincidences and synchronicities (aka “winks from the universe”!) during the entire process that all I could do was smile! I talk about all of them here!

I would love to help YOU make your home selling process faster and easier too! I made my home selling ritual into an easy step-by-step kit. Also, be sure to check my blog for free home selling tips, tricks, ideas and inspiration

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