Law of Attraction Home selling Kit

Do you need to sell your home NOW?

Are you tired of the emotional ups & downs of selling?

Do you feel like you are just waiting around, putting your life on hold while you wait for your buyer to show up?

You DO have control over your home sale experience! You CAN manifest your perfect buyer!

Gain Focused Intention & Clarity to Sell Your Home Fast!

Imagine transforming your everyday stress and overwhelm of home selling into ease and excitement! With this kit, you’ll create a home sale scenario of your choosing, rather than accepting life’s randomness!

A photo of the LOA Home Selling whole kit. A workbook, Instruction book, polished crystal, dried herbs with a wooden spoon, a handmade Reiki charged white pillar candle with a light lime green and blue wax drip wrapped in a green and blue ombre ribbon and charms and natural stationary,

Let this kit be your guide to help you manifest the home sale scenario that is exactly right for you. You DO have CONTROL and you can MANIFEST your perfect buyer!

This kit is a universal tool for a quick & joyous sale!

Made for men, women. couples, singles, and all beliefs!

Free domestic Shipping.
International orders, please message me for costs

The step-by-step guide and workbook will give you clear, concise instructions to cleanse yourself and your home of stagnant energy, reprogram your emotions, say goodbye and express gratitude, and manifest your perfect home selling scenario!

Can be used at any point during home selling process and doesn’t matter if you have listed your home with a realtor or are selling By Owner.

By purchasing, you agree to:

The LOA Home Selling Guide and Workbook

LOA Home Selling Workbook and Instruction book. Law of attraction and selling your home

The exact LOA ritual that I used to sell my own home!  A step- by- step, easy to use guide and fill-in workbook. Includes instructions for using each of the enchanted tools to produce a quick & joyous home sale!

Take a Peek Inside!

Polished Crystal

Polished crystals of citrine, pink quartz clear quartz and others on a wood table

A polished, pocket size crystal intuitively selected for you to use during and after your practice. Your crystal will be one of the following money & abundance stones shown in the above photos: Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine or Aventurine ​

Herbal Blend

A wooden spoon with a mixture of dried herbs and a candle burning in the background

A mixture of dried herbs, flowers, crystals, heartwoods & resins infused with manifesting intentions specifically for your home sale. Each mixture is hand blended at the time of ordering, therefore your herb mixture may look different than the photo but just as beautiful. ​This herb mixture will be used during your ritual practice.

Meditation Ritual

A small wooden spoon holding dried flowers with a folded brown piece of paper sealed with wax and tied with ribbon and a For Sale/Sold charm and a Moon charm

You will be guided through a specific ritual to bring about your desired intention for your home sale and your buyer.

Special Journaling Paper, Ribbons & Charms

3 pieces of natural paper stationary on a wooden table with dried flowers sprinkled around

To be used during the ritual and for keeping notes on exploring your thoughts and feelings around the event of your home selling journey.  

Magickal Reiki Charged Candle

Photo of 3 handmade Reiki charged white pillar candles with green, purple and fuschia color drip wax and ribbons. Each candle has two charms. One of a moon and one of a For Sale/sold sign

Your candle is made to order, specifically for you and will be Reiki charged by me, a certified Reiki Master. Each candle is unique and will vary in drip color. Every candle will be a white pillar with the drip color intuitively chosen for you!

Reiki: A spiritual healing art which means “Universal Life” and “Energy”,  not affiliated with any particular religion