Are you a buyer in this competitive seller’s market?

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I’ve had numerous questions from our LOA Home Selling community asking how to navigate successfully in this competitive market if you are a buyer. So I thought I would put together a few unconventional tips if this happens to be you too! 

It sure is a sweet market if you are a seller huh? 🍯 But often times, when someone sells a home they are also purchasing a new home. So maybe you are both a seller AND a buyer? 

Aside from the conventional “To Do’s” like getting pre-approved, pulling the trigger quickly, coming in with your highest and best offer, I am going to share a few invisible tricks to conjure the perfect house and get your offer accepted!  

Tip #1 Create a worry list – I know this sounds counterproductive but YES it’s the first thing you need to do! Write down every worry you have. It is imperative to get this out of your head and onto paper. After each worry write down a new thought that you will replace it with when it pops up. Be sure to phrase the new thought so it is believable to you. 

For example: “There’s no inventory, what if we don’t find a house”  Is replaced with: “The universe will surprise me with how the perfect house shows up” 

Tip #2 Create the Purchase Agreement with The Universe– Yep, take a blank Purchase Agreement and write your offer! Have fun with this and feel the excitement! Begin with the address, you can close your eyes and make up an imaginary address, or use a street that you really love and are hoping to move to, or you can write something like 123 Universe Way. Add the perfect price you wish to pay for your new home, the possession date, and so on. Be sure to sign it as the Buyer and of course the Seller is, The Universe! Hang this Agreement where you will see it daily. 

If you do not have a Purchase Agreement handy, I have created a modified Purchase Agreement specifically with the important parts for this exercise, including the Universe’s signature already on it!  This is NOT to be used for actually purchasing a home as I have cut out the ever important blah, blah, blah parts! 🤪

Tip #3 – Begin packing things that you do not immediately need. Start going through all of your things and donating items to charities or throwing things out, decluttering, etc. This makes energetic and physical space! Plus, you are not wasting your time since you will need to do this eventually anyway. You are letting the universe and your higher self know that you are ready NOW.  

Bonus Tip: Add some extra oomph💪 to your manifesting by using candle magick. Light your candle, close your eyes and imagine being & living in your perfect home! Do this 7 minutes for 7 days! Miracles are magic you just can’t see yet! If you like this Reiki charged candle you can check it out here 

I hope this helps friends! I promise you, if you do these things you will begin to see a more positive refection in the home buying market!

Sending Positive Vibes! 
LOA Home Selling & LOA Buffet 
Cindi & Jeff
