Manifesting with the Fairies!

A clear quartz crystal and Botswana crystal sitting on a mirror with a blue bottle and pink sitting fairy with the words manifest with fairy rain and crystals

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Have you ever tried manifesting with the help of the Fairies? Well, even if the idea seems new, you certainly have connected with nature at some point, right? For me, manifesting with the Fairies is just as natural as connecting with nature. 

Because I live in Ohio, and our weather can be beautiful, crappy, warm, cold, rainy & snowy all in one day. I knew that being outside to manifest with the Fairies may not be in the cards for me on certain days. (no pun intended, for those of us who like to draw cards!)  But does that mean I can’t manifest with the Fae?? Heck no! 

Once you develop a relationship with specific Fae beings, they will visit you wherever you are, inside or out! While they much prefer the outdoors & nature generally, they do understand the weather restrictions, health or mobility restrictions, & various other limitations we have as humans.

While that is all true, it certainly doesn’t stop the Fairy beings I’m most connected with, try to lure me out of my warm house even on the coldest winter night!

A winter snow covered backyard with lots of trees and a shed

How do they do this you ask? Well…it might be with a gorgeous vibrant sunset that I absolutely must walk outside to take a photo of, or maybe a full Harvest Moon in the backyard, that is so gigantic and such a beautiful color of orange it literally feels like I can reach out and touch it in the sky, or… even with an awe-inspiring torrential thunderstorm that is so loud & powerful I have to venture out to the front porch so I can  listen to the pounding of the heavy raindrops as they hit the earth, or literally feel the next huge thunder crash (while I run back inside of course… with a little bit of fear and goosebumps from the sheer power of it!)

A sunset sky of vibrant blues, purples and pinks

They’re sneaky little beings, aren’t they? And trust me, once you develop a relationship with one or two, and they get to know YOU, they will come up with the most enticing way to get YOUR attention too!

There are many ways to manifest with the fairies, I want to share a couple of ways that are fun, AND work like a charm too!

#1) Plant Something Outside 

If the weather does not permit this, or you do not have an outdoor area, purchase a new indoor plant of any size or variety. Each time you water your plant or even pass by it, speak to it! Fairies are very much connected to animals, the oceans, lakes, rivers, plants, flowers, forests and all nature. Plus, the plant spirit will also benefit from all the attention!

 I would start out just as if I were meeting a human for the first time. I would introduce myself and of course, I would ask your name. You will intuitively hear a name in your head that is easy for you to say & remember. 

Orange Flowers for the Sacral/Naval Chakra healing garden

Many times, this name will reflect this fairy’s personality. (I typically use this name synonymously for both the plant spirit and the fairy being that is attracted to it) Accept the name you heard in your head as correct and do not question it!  

Each time I pass by I might say a little about me, what I do, what I’m about, my likes/dislikes etc. And if you are the type of person who tends to open quickly to people, you may find yourself opening to this plant & fairy quickly as well.

No matter what, the fairy & plant Spirit will more than likely get quiet a kick out of this exchange! There will be times that you will be able to actually “hear” the fairy or plant spirit communicate back with you, and there will also be times that you just “feel” this presence.

#2) Fairy Rain

One of my favorite ways to connect with the Fairies is to use “Fairy Rain,” (aka: rainwater) a fairy, a crystal (or two) and a mirror!

(By the way, this makes the perfect gift for those who have an altar and practice fairy magick, or for those who are just beginning to understand the Elemental world!)

To start, I begin with choosing a beautiful bottle which will hold the rainwater I collect. You can also use melted snow (not the yellow kind 😉) lake, or pond water.

 If you use ocean water, you will need to be careful if watering or anointing your plants as not all plants can handle the salt. The ocean water can be wonderful for personal anointing however, as it can offer deep relaxation and fond memories of the beach with its salty scent! You could even add some crushed-up shells to the bottle!

Bottle color & crystal choice are very important. Color as we know can represent the chakras or have other spiritual meanings.

Crystals can energetically bring certain vibration or energy into our reality to assist us.

 And a mirror is a magnifier, or a reflector of sorts. Sometimes a mirror will show us something that needs to be seen on the outside, other times it can reflect to us something that we need to see from the inside (aka: help from our higher self)  A mirror is also an amplifier of the crystal energy & fairy energy that will sit atop it.

What I really like about this Fairy Rain Set (other than it’s flat out pretty!) is that it can be used over and over for different purposes! I can change the crystals depending on what support I need. When I want to magnify “love, self-love or relationships” I can use a rose quartz, when I need financial abundance, I can use a citrine crystal or a pyrite. Of course, a clear quartz crystal amplifies not only the other crystals around it, but also the magnifying effects of the mirror!

You can then program your intention to meet a fairy (or any other desire you would like to manifest) into your crystal and the fairy rain. Then anoint your crystal, yourself &/or water your plant with the rainwater. (Please note that there are certain crystals that you would not want to “soak” in water, however an anointing should be no problem.) Set your crystal onto the soil of the plant for a few hours or for the day. I personally like to place the crystal back on the mirror in the evening to rejuvenate my desire with the magnifying help of the mirror.

You can also place this entire set near your plant if you wish. The trick when practicing any ritual is that it must feel right to you! So, gather fun ritual ideas and then personalize them for your own use.

You can also use fairy rain to anoint your wallet, your journal, your pets, your kids lunch box, and so on.

If you would like one of the sets I have created with these beautiful colored bottles and etched polka dot sparkly mirrors feel free to visit my LOA Etsy Shop. Your set will also come with various ideas & suggestions of ways to use it to manifest YOUR desires.
