“What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create” Buddha
Here are 3 Law of Attraction Exercises to Sell Your Home Yourself!
1. A Simple Law of Attraction Test
The best way to believe in the Law of Attraction and begin to build your intuitive muscle is through basic practice. The first step to using the Law of Attraction to sell your home is to BELIEVE it works and to believe YOU can do it! So, we are going to test the Law of Attraction with a baby step so that you can prove to yourself that it works. When you have this belief and confidence, it will make attracting your buyer a piece of cake!
Choose one of these objects:
Finally forget about this exercise and the object and watch for it to magically show up over the next 24-48 hours. You may see a picture of this object, someone may talk about this object, you may hear a song about this object, you may see or hear about this object on the TV. Be aware as it can show up in any number of ways! This exercise works because you are not overly attached to the outcome or the object. You are neutral.
2. Say "Hi" To Your New Buyer!
Now, close your eyes, breath and relax. Using what you wrote create a picture or movie in your mind’s eye of who your buyer is. You do not need to see their face just know their essence. Continue breathing while the universe sends you information clairvoyantly to add color and all the other fun details. Just go with whatever pops in your head without questioning it! Maybe the buyer has a 4-legged pet that you see in the yard, how big or small is this pet? What color? Or maybe you see grandkids visiting? In your mind’s eye how many kids are there? Boy or girl? About how old? Maybe the new owners are a retired couple, and you can envision them on their golf cart driving to Main Street to meet up with the other ‘Shaggers” (lol, this is a real thing!)
Have fun with this visualization, the more emotion and feelings you can evoke the better. Be as specific as possible. Live in this imaginary world for at least 7 minutes. Do this daily for 7 days and watch for synchronicities to show up with the buyers who call to see your home, or the situations that show up guiding you that now IS the right time to sell!
3. Ask and You Will Receive
So, in this exercise, your job is to write down every, and I mean every synchronicity that shows up. Take inventory before you fall asleep each night of any synchronicity that happened throughout the day. This tells the universe, “yes, I would like more of this” It is also the way the universe can communicate with YOU! Energy flows where attention goes. If you are excited about the synchronicities and believe you will see more of them, they will magically appear like little breadcrumbs leading you to a successful home sale!